How to Build Your Own Computer, Save Time, Money, and Gain a Skill

So you’re thinking about building your own computer, but don’t know where to start. I’ve been there, and it can be frustrating. There are a plethora of parts, configurations, and ways to screw up, so I built this site to help share my experiences and make the process easier for you.

Why build your own computer?

Well there are several reasons, but one of the biggest is Saving money! Everyone likes money, but dishing out thousands for a new PC can hurt your wallet to say the least.

How does building your own computer save you money?

Even if you assemble everything yourself your first computer may not save you a ton of money versus retail, but there’s a trick that many techies know, and that is once you know how to build your own computer, you can upgrade it (kinda like a transformer) whenever you want.

Want to upgrade your memory? No big deal, you’ll know exactly how to do it yourself.

The savings are in your ability to understand where things are in your computer and how they work.

If you’re looking for a list of reasons why you should build your own computer here they are:

-Save money
-Gain a skill
-Impress your friends

In a nutshell you can have a sweeter system that your buds, for less money, and feel far superior cause you’re obvious smarter than they are!

So let’s get started.

Building Your Computer Step by Step

There process of building your PC is pretty straightforward.

1. Choose your configuration

In this section you’ll learn what questions to ask when choosing the parts for your computer. I’ll also present you a checklist of items you’ll need when building your computer. This is essentially computers 101 so be prepared to learn. Start learning how to choose components while building your computer

2. Buy your parts

Once you feel comfortable with your configuration and the parts you want to use, you’re going to want to buy the parts and actually pull the trigger. I’ll give you a few tips on how to shop for parts, and where I recommend you buy your computer parts.

3. Build Your Computer Step-by-Step

So the parts have finally arrived either by UPS or you dragging yourself around town shopping for your dream computer parts. Time is money, so I prefer to order my parts online, but it’s totally your call. Anyways, you can now start putting humpty dumpty (AKA your epic machine) together piece by piece. It’s Alive, it’s alive! Let’s get started with steps to build your computer.

4. Install software and start using your mean lean fighting PC machine!

Once you have assembled the computer the moment of truth happens, you press the button and see if it works! If you’ve followed the steps correctly and have assembled everything in it’s proper place you should have a very proud moment when your computer boots up for the first time. However, you’re still going to have to install some programs on it (an operating system for starters) in order to get it up to speed and running like a pro. I’ll show you how to install your operating system and a few of my favorite pieces of software.

So there you have it, the process isn’t too hard, but the details are where you can get caught up, so I’m here to lend a helping hand. Let’s get started, and start learning about how to choose your computer parts.